Listen-Learn-Lead Train the Trainer
Building Stronger More Resilient Community
Perhaps it is an anomaly, but at AFM we are encouraged by recent data published by the Georgia Department of Public Health (GDPH). In the fall of 2012 AFM established the No More Suicide Campaign in an effort to raise awareness and train community care givers through the I Will Intervene Challenge; one and two-day intervention training workshops. In 2013 more than 300 Fayette County residents took part in the Challenge. Most recent data from the GDPH shows that in 2013 Fayette County experienced the lowest rate of suicide since 1994 and a 50% reduction from the previous year. While AFM can’t take the credit for this reduction as there is no way of knowing; it does spur us on to continue our efforts.
Some may ask, “Does training make a difference?” I don’t think it is possible to really know from one year of statistical data; time will only tell in that regard. However, I do believe the answer is “yes” training makes a difference as evidenced by the many interventions that were conducted as a result of the training and the heightened awareness of participants. If the training does nothing more than raise awareness it is effective. But the reality is the training does much more. That’s one reason that we call it the I Will Intervene Challenge. The Challenge instills participants with the courage and confidence to ask an individual if they are having thoughts of suicide. Through a caring, non-judgmental approach helpers open doors to the rediscovery of hope for those at risk. Training also helps participants understand the various community resources that are available and most often needed to further strengthen resilience. For Stronger Community, Kenneth Koon, D.Min Executive Director Armed Forces Mission Since 2012 AFM more than 7000 individuals have participated in the I Will Intervene Challenge through community awareness briefings and intensive 1 and 2-day workshops. Individuals successfully completing the L3 T4T are approved to facilitate the L3 curriculum as independent contractors in accordance with the Terms of Understanding; and according to AFM standards in keeping with Best Practices principles for Evidenced Based Learning. AFM is taking steps to have L3 fully approved as an Evidenced Based curriculum. The process of approval is lengthy and requires that all facilitators maintain fidelity to the material as it is presented in the T4T. |
Are you interested in doing more in the fight to save lives? Do you have a passion for working with others and skills in the facilitation of adult education?
L3 Training for Trainers provides an opportunity for participants to learn the L3 Model and offer training in their community. Our goal is to that communities across the nation would be filled with individuals who have taken the I Will Intervene Challenge. In order to accomplish this goal we need qualified trainers with a desire to help fulfill the mission of stronger more resilient communities. The L3 T4T begins with enrolling in the I Will Intervene Challenge and is followed by a one to two day facilitator training workshop to hone skills in delivery of the one-day L3 workshop. Trainer Understandings
5 CEU credits available for Georgia Mental Health Professionals taking the T4T |