Coming to Dahlonega...
Dear Citizens of Lumpkin County,
According to the Georgia Department of Public Health Lumpkin County's 10 year average suicide rate has been 8% higher than the national average. Three of the 10 years the rate was nearly double and the last year for which we currently have data (2015) the rate was 120% higher than the rest of the nation. For all the reasons above Armed Forces Mission will be offering the Listen Learn Lead Suicide Intervention workshop this fall in Dahlonega. |
As an NGC graduate, Lumpkin County is near and dear to my heart. The community I have such incredible memories of has experienced its share of losses. So I invite you to join me in turning the tide on suicide. We know that training saves lives. I invite you to join me in the Stop Suicide Dahlonega initiative. Together we can build a culture of health! ~ Ken
Listen Learn Lead is a 5 hour one-day suicide intervention skills building workshop developed by Kenneth Koon, 2016 recipient of the Trinity Award Emergency Responder of the Year for his work in conducting more than 600 successful interventions. |
Training saves lives. At AFM we have trained nearly 8,000 individuals in communities across the US. Every week we receive reports of lives being saved. We know from our own experience and independent research that trained people save people. |
The workshop is open to individuals from all walks of life. Anyone with a heart to make a difference should attend Listen Learn Lead. Additionally, AFM workshops offer POST credit for law enforcement personnel. |
Help Make It Happen...
Through the support of many community partners, it is our goal to make the workshop available free of charge to attendees. We need your help to do this!
Individual and corporate sponsors can make a huge difference to assure that this much needed training happens as planned. To that end, we have established a specific giving portal for Stop Suicide Dahlonega. All donations will accrue for this purpose and you can watch as we get closer to our goal. |
Much thanks to our community partners for helping to build a culture of health in the community!