One Oops Away can be delivered in a 2 hour format that provides 2 hours of
POST credit for law enforcement personnel. Contact us today to learn more. |
What does the title mean?
For some people certain events in life are taken in stride. Losing a job, breaking up with a girlfriend, not getting in the college of choice or many other events are treated much like spilled milk...OOPS. One Oops Away helps participants clearly understand that for others thoughts of suicide are just one oops away. Participants learn about the spiral of circumstances that can often lead to thoughts of suicide. Participants gain greater awareness of the signs to look for and the risk to be aware of in building a culture of community health. |
Participants in One Oops Away include Schools - Faith Groups - Law Enforcement -Civic organizations - Hospitals - 101 Airborne - Army MedCom and others. One Oops Away is the introductory workshop in the in the No More Suicide Campaign developed by Armed Forces Mission (AFM) to strengthen all within the community. |
48 Carroll County residents attended ONE OOPS AWAY on a Sunday evening as a proactive community passionate about turning the tide on suicide. "It is amazing the amount of knowledge Ken can communicate in a short period about this important topic. Our community is better prepared to identify people who may be considering suicide and take action to intervene." Ann-Margaret Perkins Perkins Law Firm, LLP Carrollton, GA |
I attended the One Oops Away workshop in Sharpsburg and found both the material and presentation to be very well delivered. The course will certainly give me additional resources to draw from involving these very sensitive discussions. I recommend this training for all agencies (Fire and Police).
Captain Stan Pye Peachtree City Police |
Schedule One Oops Away
for your community group Support the work of AFM Help save lives and train others to do the same |
"Because of the efforts of AFM our officers are better equipped to recognize and respond to someone that is considering suicide."
Sgt. Brian Eden, Community Outreach Coordinator/ SRT Peachtree City Police Department A message from Ken One moment we’re strong and the next it seems that every ounce of resilience is gone. Such times can lead to thoughts of suicide even for the strongest of individuals. Suicide has risen 24% across the USA since 1999 now claiming more than 43,000 lives annually. The starting point for building a culture of community mental health is realizing that we are all only one oops away. Our mission at AFM is helping strengthening all people and teaching the skills that build a culture of community health. We look forward to being of service to you and together we will turn the tide on suicide. One Oops Away is the starting point for beginning the conversation. If you are ready to go beyond an introduction to advanced skills development consider enrolling or sponsoring the I Will Intervene Challenge. More than 6,000 individuals have taken the Challenge. |
"It has been an honor to host the I WILL INTERVENE CHALLENGE for the past four years. This workshop provides the necessary tools to “stand in the gap” in helping others consider life. I highly recommend this workshop for pastors, lay leaders, and anyone who serves as a caregiver in the life of the local church.”
Dr. Jim Thomas, Senior Pastor First Baptist Church Fayetteville, Georgia |