Jam Night is a community wide opportunity to hear great local talent while supporting a great community cause.
Armed Forces Mission - Through personal intervention of veterans in crisis AFM seeks to stem the tide of suicide that has taken the lives of more than 80,000 veterans since 2005. AFM programs and workshops, are building stronger communities where individuals and families are finding the encouragement to face the challenges of life with the resources to adapt and heal. AFM's LOSS Team - serves all at risk in both the civilian and veteran community. "Thank you so much for coming into our life. I strongly feel that God sent you to us that night...without you I really don't know what route we would of taken and I thank you for making sure we took the high road!" Barry Lovett |
VolunteersTo make Jam Night a great success we will need a whole bunch of great volunteers.
TalentJam Night is coming to the Southern Crescent soon somewhere in the Southern Crescent. That's a lot of help right? But we are just getting the site up and running and as momma always said, "Patience is a virture." So bear with us.
In the meantime simply shoot us an email and let us know you are interested. We will be doing auditions and having some fun real soon. |
Community PartnersMany thanks to our wonderful community partners. Together we are building stronger community.