AFM's Faith Community Initiative to
Build a Culture of Community Health
Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor.
If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
The Coweta-Fayette Initiative is a rally cry to the faith community of these two counties to join forces in building a culture of community health that shines throughout the state as a beacon of hope for the more than 250,000 people who live here. Together we can turn the tide on suicide through a collaborative effort to train an army of volunteers who are scattered throughout our communities, on the ball fields, the schools, the churches and places of business. Trained in the skills that save lives these volunteers will courageously intervene for those at risk. We will be better together! Support the Coweta-Fayette Inititave
In 4 of the last 10 years (2006 - 2015) Coweta County experienced a suicide rate that is higher than the national average; in 2010 the rate was 50% higher. More than 160 lives have been lost to suicide since 2006 impacting thousands of individuals throughout our community. In 2004 the suicide rate in Fayette County was nearly 20% higher than national average. Of the 179 recorded suicides in a 20 year period it is estimated that more than 8,000 individuals were directly impacted. Help Turn the Tide on Suicide
Sponsor or Host the I WILL INTERVENE CHALLENGE for your faith community Contact us today to learn more What others are saying...
"It has been an honor to host the I WILL INTERVENE CHALLENGE for the past four years. This workshop provides the necessary tools to “stand in the gap” in helping others consider life. I highly recommend this workshop for pastors, lay leaders, and anyone who serves as a caregiver in the life of the local church.” Dr. Jim Thomas, Senior Pastor First Baptist Church Fayetteville, Georgia "You have let God use you to help our family and friends through the hardest time imaginable with the utmost respect and gentleness. God bless you!" Dena Anderson "The Challenge has given me a voice to help end the epidemic of suicide - one person at a time." Rebecca Gray, retired educator who lost son to suicide Read more |
Join others in the Faith Community Turning the Tide
Thank you to the many churches in Coweta and Fayette County that have raised the banner to turn the tide on suicide as partners in AFM's NO MORE SUICIDE Campaign. AFM is training community members through the I Will Intervene Challenge who are now engaged in helping those at risk and restoring hope for those who are hurting.
FREE Community Workshop
One Oops Away is a 90 minute introductory workshop in the No More Suicide Campaign that provides participants with greater knowledge of the signs and risk of suicide. An increased awareness of the prevalence of suicidal thoughts within the general public along with better understanding of circumstances which increase likelihood are vital factors in an effort to assist those at risk. |
It is estimated that nearly 70% of church goers who experience a
suicide in their family will stop going to church and will never return
suicide in their family will stop going to church and will never return
It is not necessarily because they no longer believe in God, but according to surveys of survivors, many times it is due to the perceived “response” of their church. Through participation in the No More Suicide Campaign and the training of community members in the I Will Intervene Challenge the faith community demonstrates great compassion toward those who have experienced loss and a place for healing to begin.
Hosting the I Will Intervene Challenge is also a wonderful way to reach out to the community. AFM workshops are approved in the state of Georgia to offer POST credit for law enforcement and CE for mental health professionals. Previous clients served include:
Hosting the I Will Intervene Challenge is also a wonderful way to reach out to the community. AFM workshops are approved in the state of Georgia to offer POST credit for law enforcement and CE for mental health professionals. Previous clients served include:
- 101 Airborne Ft Campbell
- 80th Training Command Ft Lee
- Georgia Chapter American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
- Peer Support Specialist Atlanta VA
- Fayette Piedmont Hospital Pastoral Care Department
- Peachtree City Police, Fayette, Lamar, Upson, Pike Gwinnett Sheriff's Offices
- Pike County Schools
- Flint River Baptist Association
- Woman's Missionary Union
- Turner Baptist Association